Amy (Lisa's best friend)
Amy and Lisa know each other since there were little children. She is only one year younger than her. They grew up like sisters and did almost everything together. Still, there are some things that cannot be shared and when Amy got her first boyfriend (Charles), things became complicated. Since Amy was young and naive, she didn’t realize he was using her and tried to seduce Lisa during their relationship. While Charles told Amy all his lies to keep her loyal to him, Lisa tried to convince her about his nasty intentions, but it was too late – she didn’t believe her anymore and only trusted him. Their friendship seemed broken forever, but Lisa is about to reveal Charles’ true character with the help of a new friend (Hunter). Amy’s heart is confused and with Lisa’s help, she could begin to realize that she was wrong all the time. She will most likely do a lot to repair their friendship and make it as it was before. While doing that, she might explore her true feelings for Lisa.