Report 2024-14

Hello, dear supporters! It’s time for the next report.

As you know from my previous report, I completed all the visuals for the new content two weeks ago, and I’ve been working on improving the game code and playability. A few reports ago, I announced this, but I’ll remind you why I decided to do that:

  • Let players know as clearly as possible when and where they miss content and what exactly they should do to reach it.
  • Preserve some challenges in reaching the hot content to avoid turning my game into a slideshow.
  • Improve both the quality of the code (which will reduce the likelihood of bugs) and the overall quality of the game.


However, when I was testing Hunter’s minigame, I realized that it looked somehow unfinished and raw. Thus, I decided to improve it. Just this part took almost a week, but I do like the result.

I added almost 80 new animations to this minigame to enhance the experience. I would need even more, but I decided to figure out Ren’Py animations with masks. These masks allow the implementation of transparency in animations. It’s very important for me because it allows me to assemble animations from components: face covered with cum, pubes, red marks from slapping, and other elements. Without masks, I have to create a separate animation for each combination of these components. Each new custom element increases the number of animations exponentially. For example, to make the same animation for possible combinations of just three elements—1) face covered/not covered with cum, 2) pubes shaved/unshaved, 3) red marks present/not present—I need to create 2³ = 8 separate animations. If I also have shaved/unshaved armpits, then the number of animations will be 16. And, if I decide to add a buttplug on/off, the number of animations for each scene would increase to 32. Multiply it by three, as I have three camera views for each scene, and you will have 96 animations just for a single action.

Thus, with animation masks, I found a possible solution for adding variety without drastically increasing the game size.

I’ve known about this method for quite some time. It’s great when you need to add a special effect on top of the main scene. But when you’re layering images where the edges need to align pixel-perfectly, things get much more complicated.

This example shows what I achieved using a straightforward approach to creating an animation with a mask. Here, Lisa’s face is layered over the base animation. The edges are far too visible, making this method unsuitable.

When I managed to work around this issue, another problem arose: when toggling pubes or armpits by pressing A or P while watching the animation, it completely desynchronizes and turns into a mess.



  • During this minigame in v4.0, you have the following options: pussy fingering, anal fingering, pussy slapping, blowjob, and taking a rest. Later, I could add more options. You can also finish the minigame at any time.
  • You have three cameras to observe the action from different points of view.
  • Below the action buttons, you have three scales that show Lisa’s arousal, Lisa’s pain, and Hunter’s arousal. When one of them reaches the maximum, the minigame is over.
  • If Lisa’s arousal reaches maximum while Hunter’s arousal is close to maximum, they climax simultaneously.
  • When you finish the minigame because of someone’s climax, you can play it again. However, each subsequent climax gets harder and harder, and the genitalia become sore.
  • Finishing the minigame because Lisa is in pain doesn’t allow an option to play it again.
  • Lisa’s fetish skills that significantly affect her response to different actions are blowjob, pussy play, anal play, and bondage.
    • Blowjob skills affect how quickly Hunter climaxes during a blowjob. They also slightly affect Lisa’s arousal while performing the blowjob.
    • Slapping is effective when Lisa is very aroused. High arousal makes Lisa more pain-tolerant. She can even climax from slapping if she’s aroused enough.
    • Climaxing from slapping is quite challenging if the bondage skill isn’t developed. Otherwise, it’s not so difficult. Lisa climaxes from slapping when she is very aroused, and her pussy is already well-slapped. You can’t finger her pussy and then spank just one time at the end.
    • Bondage skill increases Lisa’s pain tolerance.
    • If Lisa has no bondage skills, Hunter refuses to slap her pussy if it gets red and swollen.
  • The more slaps in a row, the more painful the next one will be. After intense slapping, Lisa’s pussy becomes red and sore.
    • Fingering a red, sore pussy is painful.
    • Lisa’s pussy returns to normal over time after stopping slapping and performing other activities. The longer the slapping session, the longer the recovery time.
  • Pussy play skills help Lisa to climax faster during pussy fingering.
    • Pussy play is not available if anal play skill is 50% or higher and Lisa has asked Hunter to ignore her pussy today.
  • Anal play skills help Lisa to climax faster during anal fingering and decrease pain in Lisa’s anus. Anal fingering is not available if anal play skill is zero.
    • Anal fingering can lead to orgasm only if Lisa can orgasm from anal stimulation. If anal play is 42% or lower, Lisa cannot achieve this.
    • Ignoring pussy adds a bonus to anal fingering.
    • If Lisa can orgasm from anal stimulation, it’s still challenging. However, the higher the anal play skill, the easier it is for Lisa to climax.
  • Anal fingering makes Lisa’s ass sore. The longer Hunter plays with Lisa’s ass, the sorer her ass becomes. This soreness does not reset when you play the minigame again. At a certain point, anal fingering may bring more hurt than pleasure.
    • Along with getting sore, Lisa’s ass is getting worked out, and this alleviates the effect of soreness.
    • Lisa’s ass works out most effectively during long, uninterrupted series of anal fingering.
  • Taking a rest slowly decreases arousal and alleviates pain.
  • You can read how Lisa reacts to each action to understand whether she likes it or not.


For those of you who like statistics, you can have them at the end of each minigame.

You have 16 minigame goals to achieve. Testing and balancing also took quite a bit of time, but in the end, I believe I’ve achieved a good balance between playability and difficulty.

Besides, I added 51 sexy sound effects to improve your immersion.

Other Improvements

Further game testing revealed that I somehow missed a few renders, so I had to add about 20 new images.


Then, I finally started improving the game code and playability. In general, I am doing the following:

  • I’m trying to make the game look nicer overall. However, I’m not touching the main GUI elements so that the media archive archive01.rpa from previous versions remains compatible with the new version.
  • All options that were hidden when certain conditions weren’t met are now visible but unavailable. Well, pseudo-unavailable: you can’t select them, but they will respond to mouse hover to show a hint. Showing unavailable buttons will make players clearly aware of the presence of this content. Showing nothing until the player meets specific requirements was a big mistake that I am going to get rid of.
  • I’m adding hints directly on the option selection screen. By default, they’ll be enabled, but you’ll be able to disable them in Preferences if you wish.


First, I should say that Walshamp proofread the script with new content, and I’m very grateful to him! I have already updated the game script taking into account his fixes.


I updated the Choice Selection Screen. Here’s a demonstration of how it will look.

Some of the choices may be unavailable. Others may have a special sign (on the right side of the first choice) that marks the presence of new content.

Hovering over the question mark shows a hint about the current choice.



Yes/No choice screen.

It also may have a hint.


Vaginal/Anal choice screen.

The screen is animated. At first, I thought of creating animated GIFs to demonstrate it, but then I decided not to do that. You’d better check it out while playing.



Added a grocery shop screen.

You will have a quick tip when you hover over any button. The cart has ten stages of fulfillment depending on how much food has been purchased. The sweets tray also has ten stages of fulfillment (it is not shown here because buying sweets wasn’t available at that moment in the game).


Shaving menu.

It is also animated. This screen doesn’t pause the game. The positive side is that it’s easily skipped without any delay, so it doesn’t annoy players who have seen it multiple times and don’t need it. The downside is that it’s also easily skipped and might go unnoticed by a player who’s just clicking through without reading.



Bathroom choice menu.

Also animated. One of the components I used for the water jet animation was Fluidos II simulation that I talked about in my previous report. Despite it’s just an icon, I do like how it looks.

This screen will be updated with other activities available in the bathroom. As with everything else, I’m going to add all the icons with all possible activities and make them unavailable.



Panties menu

You often have to decide whether Lisa should wear her panties before going out. Now, you will have an animated screen for that. It won’t pause the game like a regular choice menu does. Thus, it’s minus one unnecessary click when you don’t need this option, but it also may be skipped. Also, you will have a hint that explains what you should do if taking off panties is not available (like in this example).



Go to sleep menu.

It will replace the previous choice via the default choice menu: Go to sleep or Have some relief. Here, you will have a hint that explains why this event is important and what parameters exactly don’t fit the requirements if they are not available. Also, I moved taking pills from after lunch to this moment. Lisa won’t take them if she is already aroused enough for any activity.

Besides that, I slightly updated watching TV. First, instead of three choices, you will have just one: to watch a culinary show or watch a movie.

Second, you will always have the best movie (fun and erotic) on day one. It will allow you to raise Lisa’s handjob skills on the first day, not depending on your luck. And third, when you are lucky to watch a fun and erotic movie, you will have some images and animations from a well-known game that is currently selling on Steam.

I haven’t decided yet what to do with health. According to my plans, it had quite an important role, but then I decided not to make the game even more complicated. But for now, I decreased the negative effect from eating pizza too often. Now, the negative effect is compensated by two workouts.

I should say that all these screens are not final, and I may (or may not) change them. I’m open to any ideas.

Right now, I’m working on a nighttime bed play event. To show all available options right on the first day is not easy because I have to join the Day One event (where Lisa is pale) with all other night events (where Lisa is tanned). However, I have already done the foreplay menu and am working on the menu with the accessories. Again, I’m reworking the whole menu to show all the activities, making them unavailable rather than hiding them, and adding hints when hovering over these unavailable activities to explain why they are unavailable.

I have done quite a lot these days, but I still need to do a lot. The game right now feels like a half-disassembled car at the mechanic’s, with old parts being swapped out for shiny new ones straight from the factory. I’m confident that once I’m finished, everything will be great, but for now, it’s not even ready to roll out of the garage. And this car will definitely need a solid test drive. I’m planning to hire a professional tester (in my case, a real stuntman), but I’m not sure how fast that will happen. If it takes too long, I might release the game after my own testing and update it once the professional testing is complete.

That’s all for now. I hope you all are doing well.

Your zegamez

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